Sunday, January 27, 2013

My Dream Job

I know it has been a while since I have updated (which I will explain later this week) so I am jumping right back into the list. What is your dream job, and why? This is something that I have had the answer to since I was in sixth grade, so having this on the 30 things my kids should know about me list was too easy. I went through those phases where I wanted to be a vet, a singer (which would still be awesome), a football player, and a dentist. In sixth grade however, I decided I wanted to be a lawyer and haven't changed my mind since. Instead I have been trying to hone in on which type of lawyer I actually want to be. I am currently in school to achieve just that.
Close Up Trip 2006
I have a passion for the law. Not just the laws themselves though, the enforcing, interpreting, and using them for arguments. I feel that I am constantly watching courtroom dramas or the trials that are aired live. I am OBSESSED!
Close Up Trip 2006
I know that this may seem boring to some, but I love knowing the loop holes or how to interpret a law to fit exactly what you need. I believe that bringing justice for other people is important. I do not think that people should be forced to pay for things that are not their fault/responsibility. I believe that justice is most important. People get what they deserve or are freed if they are innocent.
Couldn't resist sharing a picture of my chubby 6th grade self
I have been leaning towards corporate law because I am really good with numbers. However, I think that may actually end up being really boring. I have though about family law but too many people have told me that this is depressing. I mat a lawyer recently who is a family, criminal, and estate planning lawyer. He does it all! This would be perfect for me because they all seem so interesting to me. I will probably be a lawyer with more than one forte.


  1. Two things:

    1. I went on the Close Up trip, too! Although the year was not 2006...

    2. We have almost identical 6th grade photos. I'll have to look and see if I can find mine!

  2. That's great! I had the greatest time on our trip. It was by far one of my greatest memories from high school.

    And my 6th grade year was the last year before I started waxing my eyebrows. I used to get "teased" for them. Not really teased like bullied, but you know what I mean.
